The Parish of Monkton Combe forms part of Bath & North East Somerset and is located immediately to the south of Bath, with which it shares a long northern boundary. To the South it shares a boundary with and overlooks part of the county of Wiltshire, on the opposite side of the valley. The main A36 trunk road passes through the eastern edge as it passes up the river Avon valley from Bath. Within the village itself there is Monkton Combe School, and Ralph Allen School is near the northern boundary.

Monkton Combe Parish Council works for the benefit of the community, which comprises the village of Monkton Combe, Tucking Mill to the west, Mount Pleasant to the north and Brassknocker Hill and Basin to the east. In simple terms, a parish council can be regarded as “the custodian of the parish charged to maintain its environment in all aspects for the benefit of the parishioners”.

The Parish Council is elected by the parishioners to carry out the custodian function as laid down in the Local Government Acts of 1972 and 2000, and the Localism Act 2011. Under these statutes the Parish Council has wide ranging powers; these it uses with discretion, taking into account at all times the views of its parishioners, as it deals with items such as: planning (both planning control and future planning policy), roads and footways, public transport, footpaths and bridleways, street lighting, public open spaces, etc.

A budget is set annually. Planned expenditure less income forms the “Parish Precept”, which is levied as part of the annual Council Tax. To help fulfil its duties the Council employs a part time Clerk, and subcontractors to carry out the village cleaning and footpath mainenance.